Match day started out at the wards for me, and with a good omen. I was chosen to do my first ever morning report (case presentation + lecture) with Sarah, one of the Brown chief residents.
Later, during rounds, Josephat, a patient who has been in MTRH for the duration of our time in Eldoret, was discharged. He came in with tetanus, something we don't see in the states because of childhood vaccinations, and access to emergency care. He had nearly total-body muscle spasms, was intolerant of light and noise, and ended up iatrogenically paralyzed and sedated in the ICU for 38 days. He is now walking, and had a really big smile for me.
So, Match Day was wonderful, and this announcement is slightly delayed because after we found I am headed to Brown, we left for safari on the Masai Mara to celebrate, pictures and details will follow.
We had our own celebration here in Eldoret, thanks to wonderful IU and OSU residents. We surrendered our names and passwords to them, and they created tongue depressor envelopes and picked them at random, just like the real deal. I was the last person chosen! But the news was worth the wait.
so pumped brown is lucky to have you.