Friday, May 15, 2009

A Charm is Second Time

And that charm is on a lovely little street named Betsey Williams. Even closer to the park and hopefully with a more realistic chance of closing. All the essentials are there... Guest bedroom for you specifically, a fireplace in the living room, a deck & a yard for the dog one day to be called Jerry.

We are just a few days away from the that same decisive step in the process at which the last one collapsed. If you can cross your fingers, please do so now. Then, wait a few days. Finally, begin picking a long weeked toward the end of the summer for a Rhody roadie. And bring those spare hedgetrimmers with you, please... yikes.

It's not the size of the yard that's important. It's the ratio of the size of the yard to the length of the dog's legs. How about that Boston, Tom?

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Zoom into the street view & let the suburbia wash over you.


Anne & Joe